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named A. Kh. Margulan

44 Avenue Dostyk, st. Shevchenko 28, Almaty




Археология институтының журналы. А.Х.Марғұлан


Главная News Margulanov Readings – 2020

Margulanov Readings – 2020





Dear colleagues!

We invite you to participate in the international scientific-practical conference “Margulan readings 2020”, dedicated to the theme: “The Great Steppe in the light of archaeological and interdisciplinary research”, which will be held from April 15 to 17, 2020 in Almaty.


The conference directions:

1. Results of field archaeological research in 2019

2. Interdisciplinary approaches in archaeological research

3. Actual problems of archaeological heritage conservation

4. Problems of archeology of the era of Stone and the Bronze Age

5. The culture of the Great Steppe population in the 1st millennium BC – beginning

of the 1st millennium AD

6. The city and the steppe of the Middle Ages

7. Ancient and medieval art

8. Archeology of the New Age

9. History of archaeological science 

Conference working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.

Applications for participation in the conference and materials for publication are accepted until January 15, 2020.

Applications are accepted at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Texts of reports are accepted at the e-mail of the journal "Archeology of Kazakhstan": This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

The subject line of the letter must indicate “Margulan Readings – 2020”. The file of the application and article must be named with the surname and initials of the first author (LoshakovaTN_application.doc; LoshakovaTN_article). 

Paper Submission Requirements: the volume of the article is up to 10 typewritten pages: font – TimesNewRoman, all fields are 2 cm, the font size is 12, line spacing – 1.0, without hyphenation, indentation and page numbering. The name of the author(s) in full is indicated at the top middle, below must be the full name of the organization,working place in the nominative case, city, country, e-mail. The title is centered and in bold.

The author's text must be typed and submitted for layout in Word. Save Word files with the extension (type) * .docWord 97-2003 (* .docxWord 2007-2010 must be resaved without the last letter "x").

If the tables were created in Excel 2007 or 2010, also change them before typesettingto the earlier version of Excel 97-2003 (i.e., save the * .xlsx file without the last letter "x" - * .xls).

Each article goeswith anabstract (100–150 signs and 5–6 keywords) in Kazakh, Russian and English. The abstract in the language of the article is placed after the title of the article; the other two textsfollow the list of references (the title of the article is also given in translation).

Illustrations are no more than 10 figures in TIF format, resolutionis no less than 300 dpi. Graphs and charts are black and white, without color or gray elements and small (solid) fills. Captions for illustrations and tables are given in a separate text file in the language of the article.

Tables and diagrams in electronic form are drawn up in Word format, 10 pt.

References to the literature are indicated in square brackets [Kadyrbayev, 1966, p. 303]. The first author of a work published by three or more authors is indicated to make a link to the work [Margulan et al., 1966]. References to figures and tablesin the textare indicatedin parentheses: (fig. 1, 2, 3), (Table 1). The volume of figures or tables should not exceed 1/3 of the article.

At the end of the article, a list of referencesis drawn up in alphabetical order. The list of used abbreviations is placed at the end of the article.

Not recommended: tabulate; highlight words with a discharge (there should be only one space between words and between characters); separate paragraphs with an empty line; use automatic commands (insert footnotes on literature, hyperlinks and notes, marking and numbering of paragraphs, etc.); use macros, save text as a template and with a read-only setting; format text and do forced hyphens. The indicated units must comply with the SI system. 

The editorial board reserves the right to select materials for publication. 

Working Group Contact Addresses:

1. A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archeology, 050100, Almaty, 44, Dostyk ave. tel.: (8 727) 293 01 43 – Myktybayeva Zhanna, scientific secretary of the A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archeology

2. Loshakova Tatyana, senior researcher at the A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archeology, accepts applications for the conference. E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; tel.: +7 777 564 63 24

3. Responsible for the publication of the conference anthology:

Jumabekova Gulnara and Bazarbayeva Galiya, leading researchers of the A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archeology

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Annex 1


Full name of the author


Country, city


Place of work




Academic degree


Name of the conference direction


Title of the report


Phone number




Hotel reservation required: Yes / No


 Sample article:

Khabdulina Maral K. 

K.A. Akishev Research institute at the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University,

Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  

Bozok settlement in the medieval history of Astana 

The text of the abstract in Russian, 100–150 signs.

Keywords: 5–6 words in Russian. 


Table 1 – Table Name








Бейсенов А.З. Сарыарка – земля древней культуры // Электронный научный журнал «». 2017. № 1 (13). URL: http: // (дата обращения: 04.11.2019 г.).

Джумабекова Г.С. Клады металлических изделий как исторический источник (конец II – I тыс. до н.э.): автореф. дис. … канд. ист. наук. Алматы: Институт археологии им. А.Х. Маргулана, 2008. 24 с.

Ермоленко Л.Н., Курманкулов Ж.К., Касенова А.Д. Новые данные о специфической разновидности изваяний сакской эпохи // Вестник КемГУ. 2015. № 1 (61). Т. 3. С. 26–32.

Кадырбаев М.К. Памятники тасмолинской культуры // Маргулан А.Х., Акишев К.А., Кадырбаев М.К., Оразбаев А.М. Древняя культура Центрального Казахстана. Алма-Ата: Наука, 1966. С. 303–433.

Кукушкин И.А., Дмитриев Е.А., Кукушкин А.И. Предварительные результаты исследований памятников тюркского времени Центрального Казахстана в 2018 году // Кочевые империи Евразии в свете археологических и междисциплинарных исследований сб. науч. ст. IV Междунар. конгресса средневековой археологии евразийских степей, посвящ. 100-летию российской академической археологии (г. Улан-Удэ, 16–21 сентября 2019 г.). В: 2 кн. / Отв. ред. Б.В. Базаров, Н.Н. Крадин. Улан-Удэ: БНЦ СО РАН, 2019. Кн. 1. С. 135–137.

Объяснительная записка к плану сектора археологии // Научный архив «Гылым ордасы», ф. 11, оп. 1, д. 7б, 5 л.


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