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named A. Kh. Margulan

44 Avenue Dostyk, st. Shevchenko 28, Almaty




Археология институтының журналы. А.Х.Марғұлан



Kurmankulov Zholdasbek



Candidate of Historical Sciences, Chief Researcher, Department of Archaeology of the Era of Stone and Paleometal, Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan CS MES. Born February 10, 1948 in the village of Sozak, South Kazakhstan region. He graduated from the History Department of Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov. Kurmankulov Zholdasbek is a leading specialist in the field of Russian archaeology. Since 1972 he has been working at the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov (Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Margulan). He identified and investigated numerous monuments of the Bronze Age of Central Kazakhstan. Since 1972, being a regular participant, subsequently the head of field research of the Institute's expeditions, Zh. K. Kurmankulov made a significant contribution to the development of topical problems in the study of the material culture of monuments of Central and Southern Kazakhstan. During this period, he discovered and explored the unique settlements and necropolises of Atasu, Myrzhyk, Akmaya, Ak-mustafa, Taldysai, rock drawings of the tract Terekty Auliye, Kakymbai, Akdyn, Tamgaly tas, stone sculptures and sanctuaries of Turkic cumans. Zh. Kurmankulov is a participant and leader of large domestic and international archaeological expeditions (Kazakh-French, Kazakh-Italian, Central Kazakhstan, Chirik-Rabat). He pays great attention to the protection of historical and cultural monuments. He is a scientific consultant of the Museum of the Presidential Cultural Center (Nur-Sultan); Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan; West Kazakhstan, Aktobe, Karaganda, Zhezkazgan regional historical and local history museums; Zhezkazgan Museum "Mining and Copper Smelting" and other district museums of the Karaganda region and the city of Balkhash. On the initiative and with the active assistance of Zh. Kurmankulov in Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt-ata in 2011, a scientific center on archaeology and ethnology was opened and successfully operates.

Scientific interests: paleometal, menhirs, ancient and medieval stone sculptures

Kurmankulov Zh. takes a direct part in the development of basic research on the problems of Russian archaeology. Merits of Zholdasbek Kurmankulov are marked by diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, diplomas of Kyzylorda regional administration, grateful letters of Zhezkazgan city administration and Central state museum of Kazakhstan, medals "Veteran of labor", in honor of the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, badge of the Ministry of Education "For merits in the development of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan". Zh. Kurmankulov is an Honorary Professor of Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt ata, the owner of the gold badge "Korkyt Ata", the silver badge of Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baikonurov, a certificate of Cairo University and a member of the directorate "Daryn".

The author of more than 350 scientific papers, including five scientific and three popular science monographs. In addition, he is the main compiler and editor-in-chief of the capital labor "Code of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Kyzylorda Region", author and scientific consultant "Kazaqstan: Ulttyq ensıklopedıa". Scientific editor of the first volume of the multi-volume collected works of academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.Kh. Margulan. Has a number of publications abroad (Italy, England, France, Turkey, Germany and Russia).

Main publications

Settlements and burial grounds of the Bronze Age of Northern Betpak-Dala: autoref. dis.... Candidate of Historical Sciences. - Kemerovo, 1988. - 23 p.


Aktual'nye problemy istoriografii drevnego Kazahstana: Arheologiya. - Alma-Ata, 1989. - 57 p. (co-authored by J. Taimagambetov, Z. Samashev).

Culture of ancient pastoralists and metallurgists of Sary-Arka. - Almaty, 1992. - 248 p.: ill. (co-authored by M.K. Kadyrbaev).

History of Kazakhstan (from ancient times to the present day). - Almaty, 1996. - Vol. 1.

Qazaqstan tarıhy (kóne zamannan búginge deıin). – Almaty, 1996. – Vol. 1.

Eastern Saryarka. Karkaraly region in the past and present. Team of authors. - Almaty: Evero, 2004.

Shyǵys Saryarqa. Qarqaraly óńiriniń ótkeni men búgini. Avtorlar ujymy. – Almaty: Evero, 2004.

Materials of the Zhankent archaeological expedition (Archaeological work on the Dzhankent settlement in 2006). - Almaty, 2007. - 124 p. (co-authored by I.A. Arzhantseva, E.D. Zilivinskaya, S.A. Ruzanov, Zh. T. Sydykova).

Qazaqstannyń qola dáýiri (zerttelý tarıhy men negizgi máseleleri). – Almaty, 2008. – 192 b. (D.S. Baıgýnakov telavtor).

Taldysaı qonysy – kóne metalýrgıa eskertkishi. Poselenie Taldysaj – pamyatnik drevnej metallurgii. Kіtap-al'bom. – Almaty, 2012 (co-authored by A.S. Yermolaeva, A. Yerzhanova).

Istoriya Kazahstana (s drevnejshih vremen do nashih dnej). - Almaty, 2010. - Vol. 1.

Qazaqstan tarıhy (kóne zamannan búginge deıin). – Almaty, 2010. – Vol. 1.

Kurmankulov, Zh., Utubaev Zh. R. Balandy (Bulandy) pamyatnik antichnosti. Kniga-al'bom. – Almaty: «Hikari», 2013. – 148 p.

Kurmankulov, Zh., Utubaev Zh. R. CHirikrabatskaya kul'tura Vastochnogo Priaral'ya. Kazahstan v sakskuyu epohu // Collective monograph. Almaty: A. Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology. - Almaty: "Hikari," 2017.- 228 p.


Kurmankulov Zh. Ogradki s izvayaniyami iz Ulytau (k voprosu o landshaftnom kontekste pamyatnikov) // Archaeology of Southern Siberia: a collection of scientific articles dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of A.I. Martynov. -Kemerovo, 2012. - Issue. 26. - p. 144-153 (co-authored by L.N. Yermolenko).

Poselenie metallurgov Taldysaj v Ulytauskom regione // Izv. MOI RK, NAN RK. Ser. obshchestv, nauk. - 2003. - №1. - p. 36-44 (co-authored by A.S. Yermolaeva, A.M. Manapova).

Arheologicheskie issledovaniya na poselenii Taldysaj // Historical and cultural heritage of Sary-Arka: a collection of scientific articles. - Karaganda, 2007. - p. 93-98 (co-authored by A.S. Yermolaeva, J.S. Kalieva).

     Kurmankulov Zh. Novye issledovaniya na pamyatnike CHirik-Rabat /Zh. Kurmankulov, Zh. Utubaev // Scientific conference "Civilizations of the Great Silk Road from Past to Future: Prospects of Natural, Social, Human Sciences", organized by the International Institute of Central Asian Studies (IICAS). - Samarkand, 2017. - p. 397 - 413.

Arheologicheskie raboty   na gorodishche   CHirik-Rabat v   2008   godu // Report on archaeological research under the state program "Cultural Heritage" in 2008. - Almaty, 2009. - p. 198-201 (co-authored by E. Perevodchikova, Zh. Zhetibaev, Zh. Utubaev, A. Iskakov, A. Tajekeev, R. Darmenov).

Ob arheologicheskih issledovaniyah na gorodishche Balandy v 2007-2008 gg. // Contribution of scholars of KazNU named after al-Farabi to the implementation of the program "Cultural Heritage": achievements and prospects for development: materials of the international scientific and practical conference. - Almaty, 2009. - p. 35-386 (co-authored by Zh. Zhetibaev, Zh. Utubaev).

Novye srednevekovye izvayaniya Sary-Arki // Izv. NAN RK. Ser. obshchestv, nauk. - 2010. - №1. - p. 123-132 (co-authored by L.N. Yermolenko, D. Baitleu).

Arheologiya epohi bronzy v nezavisimom Kazahstane // "Witnesses of millennia: Archaeological science of Kazakhstan for 20 years (1991-2011)": a collection of scientific articles. - Almaty, 2011. -p. 69-84 (co-authored by A.S. Yermolaeva).

Rol' i mesto yuvelirnyh ukrashenij v issledovanii chirikrabatskoj kul'tury // Saka culture of Saryarka in the context of the study of ethnic and sociocultural processes of Steppe Eurasia: a collection of materials from the conference. - Karaganda, 2011. - p. 121-122 (co-authored by N.Z. Torezhanova).

Novyj vid sooruzhenij s izvayaniyami iz Central'nogo Kazahstana // Problems of protecting archaeological sites of Siberia: a collection of scientific articles - Novosibirsk, 1985. - p. 137-161 (co-authored by L.N. Yermolenko, N.S. Getsova).

   Stratigraficheskoe raspredelenie keramicheskih kompleksov poseleniya Atasu // Problemy arheologii stepnoj Evrazii: tez. dokl. - Kemerovo: KemGU, 1987. - Part 1. - p. 150-152.

Kurmankulov Zh., Utubaev Zh. R. Nekotorye rezul'taty issledovaniya v 2015-2016 gg. na mogil'nike Sengir-tam 2 // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Margulan Readings - 2018. Spiritual modernization and archaeological heritage" (April 19-20, 2018). Almaty - Aktobe - 2018. p. 283-291.

Kurmankulov Zh., Utubaev Zh. R., Kasenova A.D. Arheologicheskie issledovaniya «kurgan s usami» Unirek 2 v SHetskom rajone // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Margulan Readings - 2018. Spiritual modernization and archaeological heritage" (April 19-20, 2018). Almaty - Aktobe - 2018. p. 291–295.

Kurmankulov Zh., Bolelov S.B., Utubaev Zh. R. Arheologicheskie issledovaniya na gorodishche Babish-mulla 1 v 2018 g. // Margulan readings - 2019. Materials of the International Archaeological Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Kazakh archaeologist K.A. Akishev, Nur-Sultan, April 19-20, 2019 Nur-Sultan 2019. p. 301-316.

Kurmankulov Zh., Utubaev Zh. R. Sengir-tam: Novye issledovaniya na pamyatnike v Vostochnom Priaral'e // Samarskij nauchnyj vestnik. – 2019. – Vol. 8. №4(29). – p. 138 – 144.

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